Expert Assessment

A fresh perspective from the outside

Are your innovation projects not going quite smoothly? Are you struggling to ignite the sacred fire? Or do you long for a fresh perspective on your business case? After an Expert Assessment, you will know exactly what to tweak for a good result.

The Expert Assessment comes in two variations.

In the Innovation Assessment, we examine the context in which innovation occurs within your organization and how your current innovation process is progressing.

The second variation is the Business Assessment. In this version, we delve into the specifics of a particular business case.

This is why you choose an Expert Assessment


All attention is once again focused on the right things: the elements that propel you forward with your innovation.

Overview and priorities

What needs to be done? And in what order? By prioritizing all the steps, you create clarity.

Control your processes

By zooming out, you can see the big picture again. And you can determine if you're still taking the right approach.


Create a significant energy boost and some good old momentum to proceed with the follow-up steps.

What does it bring?

Innovation assessment

Understanding the status of ongoing projects. And what the first logical steps are

A view on the opportunities and challenges within your innovation context

Concrete steps you can use to innovate more successfully within your organization

A clear goal and the prioritized steps towards it, thanks to a handy roadmap.

What does it bring?

Business assessment

Understanding the biggest challenges, areas for improvement and opportunities within your business case

A clear definition of the purpose and ambition of your innovation challenge

Understanding business opportunities within your target audience, in comparison to your competitors, or arising from technical innovations.

Overview of the Objective Key Results and the prioritization of actions resulting from them

Purposefulness: in a roadmap, you will find all concrete follow-up steps listed one after the other.

Time for innovation?

Sander Goudswaard

Partner MakerLab

+31 6 41 36 81 66



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