Building business models

From customer desire to business

Put the customer first, we often hear. In fact, it is one of the two most important conditions for success. But the other is often forgotten. In practice, most concepts fail because the business side does not get enough attention.

Profit in any shape or form

A working concept is great, but what does it yield? Money? New customers? Employees who work more efficiently? Whatever it is, it partly determines your success. Because if you're developing a digital assistant, your ultimate goal is to receive fewer calls to customer service.

The business spectacles

Our business designers view every phase of concept development through a business lens as well. How can we draw inspiration from other revenue models? What do we need to learn to make a product stable, robust, and scalable? And where do your growth opportunities lie? A good example is a friendship platform for individuals aged 55 and over that we worked on. It proved to be more profitable when integrated with a partner organization than when implemented within our client's organization.

Building, measuring and learning

And now? Right, test, test and test again. Using a series of experiments, we investigate whether new concepts deliver the results you expect. This is how we build products, services and processes that make customers happy, but also make sense from a business perspective.

Learn more about our approach

Time for innovation?

Sander Goudswaard

Partner MakerLab

+31 6 41 36 81 66



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