How we developed a loan car insurance for OHRA
Price validation
Feature tests
Conversion optimization
Behavioral data analysis
The challenge
Are car owners and renters willing to pay for a loan car insurance?
The approach
The sharing economy is growing larger. However, there are still many barriers to lending items to another person, as our user survey revealed. In short, remove those barriers, and people will lend items to each other more frequently. One way to remove such a barrier is through insurance. So, we developed a brand new variant based on an existing OHRA insurance that you can take out when you borrow someone's car. Complete with a landing page, damage report, and terms and conditions.
And it worked: within a few months, hundreds of people took out the insurance. So we proceeded with the next step. In this phase, we worked on various business models to determine which one is the most profitable. What is the optimal price? How do we reach the target audience? And do people file claims for damages on this insurance earlier than on their regular car insurance?
With this input, we continued refining the concept into a concrete proposition. You can see the result here. Because years after the original idea, you can now simply take out the insurance. In this way, OHRA is also doing its part for the sharing economy.
The impact
New loan car insurance launched
Contribution to sharing economy
More people who lend their car
Fewer arguments over loaned cars
Looing into launching a completely new proposition in the market?
'I was there from the very beginning, from the very first idea. That people can now actually take out this insurance. That is really wonderful, isn't it?'
Caat van Esch
Experiment designer MakerLab
Time for innovation?
Sander Goudswaard
Partner MakerLab
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