These are the 5 skills of a business designer - and what they can do for your business!
There is no training for business design, not really. The skills you need to have are too broad. So at MakerLab, we train them ourselves through an intensive two-year program. That said, the basics have to be there. Those super powers that make us sure: this person senses exactly what our customers need.
In short, what makes a business designer "super" in the MakerLab Universe? We asked business designer Timo Moors.
When do you use a business designer?
Timo: "For companies at a critical juncture but lacking the knowledge or time to make a well-validated decision. This could be a start-up facing a specific issue or an established company at a crossroads, needing to choose whether to go left or right. Each direction comes with entirely different consequences.
It is always interesting. Whenever you open the newspapers, there are always examples of companies where things are not going quite right. As a business designer, you then think: how could you have done that differently? Our work truly has an impact.'
And then the super skills of a business designer:
#1 You are shiny and new
Timo: "At corporate companies, you often see that they work within a certain framework, which results in them achieving less than a business designer. At MakerLab, we are accustomed to working quickly and iteratively. What we achieve in a week with a sprint is so much more than what a corporate can manage in a month or more. They are tied to procedures they cannot easily bypass. As an outsider, you can circumvent these and make quick decisions, allowing you to start experimenting immediately.'
#2 You go deep quickly
Timo: "In fact, with a good product-market fit, you want to see sustainable growth in a strong target audience. If that growth is absent, then you know something is wrong. What exactly the issue is may not always be immediately clear. That’s why at MakerLab we conduct a deep dive session to uncover the precise workings of a company. In a few days, we get to the core of the matter. We use many different models and frameworks for this, and it’s a matter of experimenting until you find the right fit for the customer.'
#3 You are NOT the one that comes up with the brilliant idea
Timo: "Listening is key as a business designer. You can involve people in a workshop and share experiences and knowledge, plant seeds, but you do not come up with the new idea. The team must do that themselves, otherwise it won't take root within the company. We facilitate the workshops, guide them in the right direction, and provide the tools.'
#4 You do NOT put the customer first (but then, who?!)
Timo: "In a strategy consulting firm, after long research, they deliver a report indicating the chances of success of a certain choice, but we let the market decide ... i.e. the (potential) target group, our client's customer.
MakerLab also possesses all that theoretical knowledge, but we are pragmatic – we have extensive practical skills that allow us to directly validate hypotheses. While we are still figuring out the exact solutions or target groups, the company can already begin testing in multiple directions in the market. This enables you to quickly generate traction with minimal resources and create sustainable value for a future product or service along the way.'
#5 You are creative with solutions as well as people
Timo: "Sometimes you are hired to do one thing for a client and end up providing a completely different solution. It is your job to find the right path. Quick adaptability is important, as is problem-solving and having the confidence to take the lead when necessary. This also involves some people skills, ensuring that everyone is engaged and feels heard – stakeholders as well as the team itself. Essentially, you are like a coach. With an enthusiastic and motivated team, this makes the work even more enjoyable.
Do you recognize yourself in these qualities? We are looking for a senior business designer, check out our open position!